As Much Time as Space

Directed and produced by Katja Mater, 16 mm film installation, 8’24’’ 2 projectors 1 film 0’08’’ interval, loop, color, 2017.

As Much Time as Space, is a 16 mm film installation conceived at the van Doesburghuis in Meudon (Paris) beginning of 2017 (for the exhibition De Kleuren van de Stijl in Kunsthal KAdE, Amersfoort NL.) It consists of one film, projected by two projectors, using the time it takes for the pellicule to travel from one projector to the other — 8 seconds, as a framework for the film. The film was shot inside the house of modernist artist couple Theo and Nelly van Doesburg and combines architectural details of the house with Mater’s own drawings. Projected as a split-screen we look at a play between past and present that every once in a while merge to form a new reality, providing a surreal time experience. A wandering narrative exploring tables, stairs, space- and time-perception, color, and some van Doesburg heritage.


Directed by Katja Mater

Editing by Inneke van Waeyenberghe and Katja Mater
Technical support by
Ruud Molleman/2M and Erwin van 't Hart
Film development and print by Color By Dejonghe

Made possible by KAdE, Amersfoort and The Mondriaan Fonds, Amsterdam

More about Katja Mater




El helicóptero