Ash Tree
Directed by Sarah Vanagt. Video-installation, 5 projections in loop, DV-cam, colour, sound (no dialogue), 12 min, 2007.
A girl on a graveyard touches the tombstones. Her hand glides over the letters, the carved inscriptions. Can she read death, can she see death? In Ash Tree, the beginning of all knowledge, the alphabet, mingles with the end of all knowledge, death.
Concept: Sarah Vanagt
Girl: Ruby Benbow
Camera: Annemarie Lean-Vercoe
Editing: Inneke Van Waeyenberghe
Sound design: saule (Xavier Garcia Bardon)
Steadycam: Josh Bagnall
Runner: Catherine Metcalf
Costume: Ann Weckx
Produced by Balthasar
in co-production with Contour Mechelen 2007
with the support of Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds
More about Sarah Vanagt