Directed by Eleni Kamma. HD video, 27' 50", colour & stereo sound, Italian spoken, 2012.
The geographic location of Tuscany is characterised by a complex set of relations between spectacle, economy and landscape, from the age of the Medicis, to the period of Enlightened Despotism, up to the present day. Georgofili assembles various 'voices of Italy' throughout the ages. The old genre of Tuscan Contrasto, verbal duels in which street poet/performers use their arguing skills to debate the politics and morality of contemporary Italy while calling attention to contradictions, meets the historical educational dialogues from the age of Enlightened despotism, performed and commented on by today's young Italian actors. Georgofili explores the notion of history as a loop that keeps on restarting, although each next repetition can never be fully identical to the previous one.
Concept & Realisation: Eleni Kamma
Camera: Eleni Kamma & Stijn Verhoeff
Editing: Inneke Van Waeyenberghe & Fairuz
Tuscan Contrasto in Ottava Rima Verbal Duel performed by Emilio Meliano and Realdo Tonti
19th century Tuscan Agricultural Dialogues read, performed and commented by
Lavinia Parisi and Marco Rustioni
Experts from:
Economy of time, Lapo de Ricci
Concerning the ambition of clothing, Lapo de Ricci
Giornale Agrario Tuscano, editor Giova Pietro
Vieusseux 1827, Florence.
On gems and other precious ornaments, F.Orlandini in
Giornale Agrario Tuscano, No 33, Gabinetto Vieussieux, 1835, Florence
Tuscan contrasto verbal duel and actors dialogues: Brenda Porster
Economy of Time,On gems and other precious ornaments: Emiliano Battista
Produced with the support of the FONDS BKVB
More about Eleni Kamma